when to use
WirelessZoo can be used for wireless
monitoring of any patient
- The peri-operative period:
- Pre-anaesthesia – provides a baseline of parameters
- During anaesthesia – provides live data throughout the procedure, to complement full anaesthetic monitoring without wires which can complicate moving animals during surgery and compromise surgical site sterility
- Post-anaesthesia – allows for on-going monitoring of the patient without the need for wires or physical contact, which may cause stress.
- Cases which are stable but where live monitoring of clinical parameters will provide an early sign of deterioration e.g. trauma patients, cardiorespiratory cases, haemorrhage/ bleeding disorders
- Cases where regular, physical checks may cause discomfort or stress
- Aggressive animals
- Animals in isolation
- CT Scans & X-Ray

Get started with WirelessZoo™ and Book a Demo today
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